When your period is late, you are very happy to hope that your baby will be present in the womb soon. However, it turns out the results of pregnancy tests stated negative. How did it happen? When you are planning a pregnancy, then your period is late. That might make you consider yourself pregnant. However, it turns out when examined, a pregnancy test or testpack has not shown positive results. Let's understand some of the reasons or conditions that cause it. Various Possible Causes When you are late for your period, but the testpack shows negative results, in fact there is a possibility you are indeed pregnant. But there are times when your pregnancy has not been read by a pregnancy checkup due to several conditions or having a pregnancy disorder, for example: HCG levels are still low Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone levels are still too low to detect pregnancy tests. So that when examined, there may not be enough hCG hormone in the urine. Inaccurate testpack ...